Welcome to the African Continental Association of Food Protection (ACAFP) – formerly African Association for Food Protection (AAFP). Our organization is the African continent’s affiliate group within the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP).
The IAFP represents a broad range of members with a singular focus — protecting the global food supply. Members of the IAFP have diverse backgrounds and professional focuses ranging from education, government, microbiology, and corporate quality control. Working together, IAFP members, representing more than 50 countries, help the association achieve its mission through networking, educational programs, journals, career opportunities, and numerous other resources.
The African affiliate was established in 2013 as the African Association for Food Protection (AAFP) and consists of food safety professionals, students, government workers, and professors from the continent of Africa and/or committed to educating proper food safety skills and procedures across the continent. In early 2017, the affiliate was re-established as the African Continental Association for Food Protection (ACAFP) because the IAFP already had another affiliate with the acronym AAFP, and was registered as a non-profit in the United States. Unlike other IAFP affiliates who represent one state or country, the ACAFP aims to represent food safety interests across the continent of Africa, crossing national borders and expanding educational resources to the growing number of food safety professionals in Africa.